Cafe Des Amis Pattaya Pattaya Linda and Tor’s Cafe des Amis Restaurant wedding in Pattaya, Thailand. Cafe des Amis Restaurant_Pattaya_wedding_photographer_Linda and Tor_1731.TIF Linda and Tor’s Cafe des Amis Restaurant wedding in Pattaya, Thailand. Cafe des Amis Restaurant_Pattaya_wedding_photographer_Linda and Tor_1732.TIF Linda and Tor’s Cafe des Amis Restaurant wedding in Pattaya, Thailand. Cafe des Amis Restaurant_Pattaya_wedding_photographer_Linda and Tor_1737.TIF Linda and Tor’s Cafe des Amis Restaurant wedding in Pattaya, Thailand. Cafe des Amis Restaurant_Pattaya_wedding_photographer_Linda and Tor_1733.TIF Linda and Tor’s Cafe des Amis Restaurant wedding in Pattaya, Thailand. Cafe des Amis Restaurant_Pattaya_wedding_photographer_Linda and Tor_1735.TIF Linda and Tor’s Cafe des Amis Restaurant wedding in Pattaya, Thailand. Cafe des Amis Restaurant_Pattaya_wedding_photographer_Linda and Tor_1734.TIF Linda and Tor’s Cafe des Amis Restaurant wedding in Pattaya, Thailand. Cafe des Amis Restaurant_Pattaya_wedding_photographer_Linda and Tor_1736.TIF Similar Photoshoots Skills Posted on January 1, 2000 Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort →